# On the planet Davam is a small laboratory whose secret could win the war. # In the Name of the Hive # An isolated research station on the planet Davam is close to developing a form of molecular disruption that would negate all current shield technology. Decisive action has to be taken before the research is complete. You are to capture the research ion intact if at all possible. Failing this you must destroy the station completely. The Hressans will be expecting an attack and have reinforced the sector heavily. This is to be a maximum effort, end that research at all costs. # Orders of Honor Grand Council of Elders Polaris # Greetings noted Battlemaster. You have the most honorable and important command in all Hressan space. The eccentric, but brilliant, Colwyn is close to developing a new weapons system that could win the war in a matter of weeks. The Fleet must make a ximum effort to capture or destroy the facility. The possibility of failure cannot be contemplated. # Major attack and occupy the city on Davam and the cities on Soph and Celes # Minor Occupy the city on Davam. # Major Destroy all Xritra Spaceships and retain control of the city on Davam. # Minor Retain control of the city on Davam. # Can you finds the Xritra in the nebula? # In the Name of the Hive Swarm Leader # Each of your ships has the plans and locations of the entire Khalian defense. A massive invasion fleet is coming and this information will guarantee victory. If any ship survives, it will be able to pass on the vital intelligence. # To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces Morgath Region # A small force of Xritra ships has penetrated our defenses. They have gained invaluable intelligence on our entire fleet. It is known that they will soon be followed by a massive invasion fleet. Every one of the intruding ships must be found and ed before their main fleet arrives. # Major Four or more ships survive at the end of the game # Minor One ship survives at the end of the game. # Major Destroy all Xritra ships # Any other result is failure. # A Dragonian Planet Castle is under Hressan attack. They must make the Castle Run in three parsecs. # Office of the High Perserver Critical Orders Defense Coordinator Force Rinalg # The planet Castle is under attack from a small, elite force of Hressan raiders. This isolated world contains minerals that make it very valuable to the Alliance. You are to immediately embark all planetary combat forces available on Rinalg and proceed o the defense of Castle. Intelligence reports a Hressan naval force is operating in the Mosaic Nebula, but time is a major factor and you are to arrive on Castle with no less than three regiments of infantry or armor. This will provide enough combat ength on the planet to ensure its retention. # Orders of Honor Grand Council of Elders Polaris # Greetings noted Battlemaster. An elite assault force has landed on the Dragonian world of Castle. You are privileged to provide the over flight for this invasion force. It is expected that the Lizards will attempt to relieve Castle from and your and glory will be to prevent this from happening until the planet is irretrievably conquered. # Major Land seven or more ground units on Castle # Minor land three to seven ground units on Castle # Major Prevent any ground units from landing on Castle # Minor Prevent more than 3 ground units from landing on Castle # Four worlds and two races inhabit the Nye Nebula. Both sides must reinforce the weaker planet as the war expands. # Speak Leader Clan Council Khalia To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces Gryphon # You are to embark forces as needed from Gryphon and convoy them to reinforce the mining colony on Roc with a minimum of ten line combat units. Schleinel resistance to your troop movements is to be expected. Your secondary objective is to prevent any imilar reinforcement of the Schleinel world of Pegasus by their forces on Harpy. Reinforcements must be in place in no more than twelve weeks. # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Nye Nebular Worlds # You are to reinforce the family world of Pegasus to ensure the continued flow of exotic biologicals from that world. The Projections show that a minimum of combat trained planetary units will be needed to ensure the security of this valuable world. Assembly expects you to give the highest priority in order to have these forces in position when the current offensive reaches your holdings in twelve weeks. # Major Land fifteen or more combat units on Roc from Gryphon # Minor Land more combat units on Roc from Gryphon than the Schleinel player lands on Pegasus from Harpy. # Major Be the first Land ten or more combat units on Pegasus from Harpy and prevent the Khalian player from landing more on Roc. # Minor Land More units on Pegasus from Harpy than the Khalian player lands on Roc # Fleet marines are ready to recapture a planet lost to the Khalians. # Issued by Isaac Meier, Admiral of the Red Fleet Command Earth To: Officer Commanding Task Force Seraph # Elements of the Fifth marine Division and transport capacity will be attached to your task force for the purpose of this mission. They can be embarked at Perseus. You are to immediately invade the Khalian occupied world of Hercules. The invaders have occupied this Alliance world for almost a month and are in the process of pillaging it. If left in their control there is the strong possibility that the Khalian Clan Council will decide to reinforce an occupied Perseus as a base for further incursions. You must complete the invasion before such forces can arrive. With their appearance you will be forced to withdraw. Intelligence has estimated only limited space presence in the sector. # Clan Council Khalia To: Pack Leader, Planet Hercules # You have the honor of defending the deepest incursion into the space controlled by the pale warriors. It is assumed you face some sort of attempt by their Fleet to retain the world. You are to resist this with all due ferocity. Forces are being ed to reinforce your command and drive deeper into Alliance space. Your retention of even one city when they arrive will provide what is needed for the further advancement of the glory and wealth of the true people. When your relief arrives we expect to find your forces firmly established in at least one locale or the remnants of the massive slaughter purchased with your deaths. # Major Occupy all cities on planet Cheval and destroy all Khalian Ships # Minor Destroy all Khalian Ships # Major Retain control of all cities on Cheval # Minor retain control of any one city on Cheval # Two races scramble to be the first to occupy an Ancient city full of treasures. # Kroge Speak Leader Clan Council Khalia To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces # You are to assemble an ad hoc band on the frontier world of Outpost and proceed to the planet Victory, land and occupy the ruins of the First Empire City. The scientific secrets you may find could prove invaluable. Your secondary objective is to t these ruins form being occupied by the Cephians. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator Planet Boca # Take immediate control of all military units near your planet and occupy with planetary combat units the ruins on the vacuum planet the Fleet has code named Victory. Bonuses and promotions are likely for a successful action and/or the prevention of the take over of these ruins by the Alliance Fleet. # Major Be the first player to land any ground unit on Mystery. # No minor victory # Major Be the first player to land any ground unit on Mystery. # No minor victory # A Fleet squadron meets a Khalian raider fleet. # Issued by Isaac Meier, Admiral of the Red Fleet Command Earth To: Officer Commanding Task Force Seraph # Your are to stage to the world Caliph for the purpose of searching for and destroying all Khalian spaceships in the sector. A large force of Khalian raiders of all classes is based on a nearby world identified as Ranger. This is a free fire zone. Khalian vessels are to be considered hostile. You will only have a limited time in sector so no invasion of Ranger is contemplated. After this time it will be necessary to withdraw Task Force Seraph to support landings aimed at recovering a world in a nearby sector that has been overrun by the Khalians. All Khalians ships must be destroyed before your withdrawal or every world in the sector will be subject to bombardment and pillage. # Clan Council Khalia To: Commander, Planet Ranger # The wealth being received from your sector greatly pleases the Council. You are to maintain control of the system at all costs, but always be aware that the Empire requires the booty that will be gained in the future by your raiders and combat vessels. # Major Destroy all Khalian Ships # Minor Destroy 3 Khalian ships # Major Destroy all Fleet Ships # Minor Have 2 ships survive # Your task force must take control of the valuable asteroids in this sector... # Pack Leader Clan Council Khalia To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces Artimes # Upon taking command of both planets in this sector you are to obtain complete control of the Frigian Asteroid belt. These strategic asteroids are now known to contain both valuable mineral deposits and several old empire ruins. Their possession is of jor strategic importance to the Fleet. It is expected that the Cephian Syndicate will contest your control, but is likely to concede defeat if you are able to occupy all six asteroids with ships simultaneously. Loss of either Alliance planet in your tor is unacceptable. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator Gormian Administration # Intelligence has reported that the six Asteroid groups in the Frigian Belt have been found to contain valuable assets. It is Imperative that the Central Administration gain control of all of these asteroids. It is expected that The Fleet will contest r control, but is likely to concede defeat if you are able to occupy all six asteroids with ships simultaneously. Loss of either planet in your administrative district is unacceptable. # Major Have a ship in the same hex as all asteroids (five) and no Cephian ships adjacent. # Minor Have a ship on or adjacent to all asteroids, but with one or more Cephian ships adjacent. # Major Have a ship in the same hex as all asteroids (five) and no Khalian ships adjacent. # Minor Have a ship on or adjacent to all asteroids, but with one or more Khalian ships # A Schleinel fleet must occupy three planets to prevent further Khalian raids. # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Jesh Nebular Worlds # Your Task Force is to move immediately to Valhalla in the Aasgard Nebula. Here the Khalian presence on three worlds, Loki, Thor, and Freya, form a salient that threatens our ability to maintain communications with the vital worlds of the Vega Nebula. Intelligence reports the Khalians have massed their transport elsewhere and this should allow you to achieve local force superiority on all three worlds. # Clan Council Khalia To: Commander, Creptor Region # You have been given the honor of being placed in command of the most exposed sector of the Empire. The forces under your command are to preserve our control of this vital region to allow for their use as a jumping off point for a new wave of assaults on the pale warriors. Retention of even one of the three planets under your control will provide the needed base. Your family sends its regards and their most fervent hopes for your success. # Major Capture all cities on all three planets # Minor Capture all cities on any two planets # Major Retain control of all three worlds # Minor Retain control of any two worlds # Starting with three planets and one small ship you have to prepare for war. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator Helios Cluster # You are to take command of the three planets in the isolated Helios Sector, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. The Khalian also control three worlds and have begun producing war materials to enable them to conquer the Alliance planets. You are on your own. p the sector's industry so that you can produce space and planetary combat units. You goal is to occupy the Khalian worlds of Arjut, Kerget, and Gershap while maintaining control of your own planets. # To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces Tregoth Region # You are given control of all packs in the Dregos Region. Use the world's resources to build up forces that will enable you to overwhelm the small warrior's nearby planets, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Frequent raids may give you the edge needed to gain superiority. # Major Control all cities on all six worlds # Minor Control all cities on five worlds # Major Control all cities on all six worlds # Minor Control all cities on five worlds # It's time for the Fleet to take the offensive against the Xritra. # Fleet Command Earth Isaac Meier, Admiral of the Red To: Officer Commanding Task Force Napoleon # The defeats you have dealt the Xritra is thought to have seriously depleted their defenses. Your Task force has been clamoring for a chance to go onto the offensive. Two major Xritra worlds are the key to their entire Spinward offensive against the ance You are to occupy and hold these currently Xritra worlds. Good luck and Good Hunting. # In the Name of the Hive Swarm Leader # The Alliance Fleet and their marines are daring to oppose the destiny of final Xritra conquest. The are now expected to be so impudent as to actually attack worlds long joined with our destiny. This attack must be stopped and all of the threatened s retained for the Glory of the Hive. # Major Control the cities of all five worlds. # Minor Retain control of Crul and control of all cities on two of the Xritra worlds # Major Control the cities of all five worlds. # Minor Control any three of the original four Xritra Worlds # The Xritra have massed everything for an invasion of the Administrate. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator # The Xritra have committed all of their remaining forces to a single drive into the Administrate. You are to meet and defeat this force as it enters the Chance Bureau. They have already captured the world of Bacarra, which must be retaken to prevent it from becoming the launching point for further invasions. All available resources have been allocated to assist you in the defense of the Alliance. The fate of the Administrate rests with your fleet. # In the Name of the Hive Swarm Leader # The People of Destiny have too often been defeated because we failed to achieve superiority in numbers as well as fate. The largest fleet ever assembled by the Hive has been gathered by stripping the defenses of a dozen worlds. You must drive deep into the Administrate and occupy the worlds of the Chance Bureau, forcing them into a peace of the Hive's terms. # Major Capture the world of Baccara and Control all of the cities on all four worlds # Minor Retain control of any two of the three original worlds # Major Control all of the cities on all four worlds # Minor Control any three of the four worlds # The final Fleet Offensive to occupy the Khalian home cluster. # Issued by Isaac Meier, Admiral of the Red Fleet Command Earth To: Officer Commanding Red Fleet # Your past success has gained you the toughest campaign of your career. Numerous spoiling attacks have put the Khalians on the defensive and pulled many of the ships that were defending Khalia away. The Khalian capital is part of a small, very compact ster. Occupying and holding these worlds will force the Khalians to accept a peace. Even though Intelligence estimates you will be outnumbered, we have every faith in your being able to overcome the odds and end this war quickly. # Clan Council Khalia To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces # The pale warriors are taking advantage of a string of minor set backs and are audaciously attacking the Clan Cluster itself. You have an overwhelming advantage in ships and it is expected that you will defend every world in the cluster with your life d those of your warriors. The loss of too many worlds or Khalia itself would force a surrender and be a disgrace that you would not live to see. I await preparing your victory feast. # Major Occupy all of the seven worlds in the scenario # Minor Retain Neptune and capture the world of Khalia # Major Victory Control all seven planets # Minor Retain control of Khalia # Three isolated Dragonian worlds are threatened by the migration of the insectoid Xritra. # Office of the High Perserver Critical Orders Defense Coordinator Force Isle # Reacting to their setback in Hressan space, the Xritra have targeted three Protectorate worlds. Substantial planetary units on all three worlds have also been placed under your command and their attached transport ships. No further reinforcements are ilable, so you must prevent their capturing any of these worlds with the forces you have on hand and the local militia and capture the Xritra base if possible. # In the Name of the Hive Swarm Leader # The set back against the Hressans was caused by defective equipment and the sale of our secrets by the perfidious Cephian Administrate. This insolence cannot go unpunished. You are to occupy as many of the three worlds in the sector protected by the ships as resisted our efforts as possible. Do not lose control of our lone world in this area. # Major Control all cities on all four worlds. # Minor Control all cities on the three worlds of Prosp, Lucra, and Opport # Major Control all cities on all four worlds # Minor Control all the cities on Hexa and any two other worlds. # Can you clean out the Khalian pirates bases in time? # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator # For Years the Khalian raiders have used the many moons in your district to raid nearby planets. Finally the Central Administrator has given you the firepower to deal with the furry pirates. The problem is that after a short time the powerful cruisers will move onto other duty. # To: Commander, Khalia Defense Forces Tregoth Region # The wealth brought in by the raiders based in your sector is vital. These bases must be retained at all costs. # Major Occupy all twelve of the Khalian moons, losing none of your three planets # Minor Occupy any six of the Khalian moons, losing none of your three planets # Major Occupy at least one of the Cephian planets and retain control of at least 7 moons. # Minor retain control of at least seven moons. # When their main fleets meet which will prevail, Xritra numbers or Cephian guile? # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator # Two vital worlds are threatened by a massive Xritra Fleet. You are to protect these worlds and capture their base worlds of Sirius and Rigel if possible. Losses are expected to be heavy. But the profits of victory will be greater. # In the Name of the Hive Swarmlord # The worlds of Sirius and Rigel are threatened by a massive Cephian Fleet. You are to protect these worlds and capture their base worlds of Sirius and Rigel if possible. Losses are expected to be heavy, but nothing will prevent the eventual total ce of the Hive. # Major Victory Control of all cities on of all four worlds # Minor Victory Control of all cities on of any three worlds # Major Victory Control of all cities on of all four worlds # Minor Victory Control of all cities on of any three worlds # Who will end up in the control of the frontier worlds? # In the Name of the Perserver Defense Coordinator Realm of Curpeth # Your realm is on the far edge of both the Schleinel Hegemony and Dragonian Protectorate. It contains a dozen worlds that have been sparsely settled and claimed by one of the empires. Your objective is to gain a dominant position in the sector by ying and controlling a minimum of ten worlds including the three major colony worlds at the sectors inner edge. Failure to control at least half the habitable planets in the sector will be as severe setback and may result in the loss of the entire # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Retter Nebular Worlds # The advancement of the Dragonian Protectorate into the Retter Worlds must be stopped. Better yet, you should strip them of their weakly held colonies or occupy those worlds they hold in the nebula. Be sure no world already held is lost to these nist adventurers. With the war in the Hillar nebula, you can expect no outside assistance and patience must guide your building this nebula into a fortress. # Major Occupy ten or more worlds in the sector. # Minor Occupy a majority of the worlds in the sector, seven. # Major Occupy ten or more worlds in the nebula. # Minor Occupy a majority of the worlds in the nebula, seven. # The Schlienel Hegemony has reneged on a contract. The Cephians move to take control of the collateral, their Homeworld. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator # Your presence on Dux has provided an unparalleled opportunity to bring a quick end to make a massive profit. A rapid strike at and the occupation of Vega, the traditional capital of the Cluster will result in the 86% (+/-2%) probability of the collapse f the Schleinel oligarchy. Delegates from nearly a dozen additional planets are already treating unofficially with the Adminsitrate ambassadors on neutral worlds. The Administration could double in size if you are successful. The more worlds beyond ga you occupy, the more certain the success of this venture. # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Home Nebular Worlds # The war with the Xritra has weakened the internal defenses of he Hegemony and left even the Assembly Seat here on Vega open to attack. The ramifications of the loss of Vega are immense. You must defeat any attempt to gain control of further Schleinel rlds. Above all Vega must be protected at all costs. Reinforcements have been summoned from the frontiers and you must hold with the local forces until they arrive and ideally capture the world they have launched this unwarranted attack from.. # Major Control of Dux and Vega and any five or more other worlds. # Minor Control of Dux and Vega # Major The loss of no worlds and the capture of Dux # Minor Complete control of all cities on Vega. # The Fleet fights to defend Earth's own System. # Fleet Command Earth Isaac Meier, Admiral of the Red To: Officer Commanding Home Fleet # Admiral, A Fleet reconnaissance ship has followed back to the alliance by the paranoid Dragonians. They have already occupied the planet Pluto and have massed their fleet for an attack on the rest of the Sol system itself. The loss of any of the planets in the me system would be more than a defeat, but a disaster. Currently under threat are the terraformed planets of Uranus, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter. Should any of these planets fall, Earth will be subject to bombardment and forced to surrender. # Office of the High Perserver Urgent Orders Defense Coordinator Response Fleet # The People are under a grave threat from the newly discovered smooth skinned warriors. There is no question that they intend to destroy or enslave our race as happened under their kind two millennia ago. Their fleets must be destroyed and the worlds of their home system occupied. # Major Control all five planets in the Solar system # Minor Control all the cities on all of the planets except Pluto # Major Control all five planets in the Solar system # Minor Control any two planets in the Solar System # Outnumbered, the Fleet must stage a fighting withdrawal to the planet Delos. # Isaac Meier Admiral of the Red Fleet Command Earth To: Officer Commanding Delos Sector # Intelligence has just determined that the Cephians will be making a major effort to overwhelm three key worlds in your sector. It is unlikely that you can hold Donahue or even Darkwolf, but you must retain at least Delos. Reinforcement will arrive in fteen turns. If you are still in control of Delos when they arrive, we should be able to regain the entire sector in a counterattack based from that world. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator Assault Force Drachma # You are to force the acquisition of the Alliance worlds Donahue, Darkwolf, and Delos in the most expedient manner possible. You command a significant superiority in both space and ground assets. Failure to capture all three worlds before Fleet ements arrive will result in a fatal job review. # Major retain control of the cities of all three worlds: Donahue, Darkwolf, Delos. # Minor retain control of all of the cities on Delos. # Major Capture all the cities on Darkwolf, Donahue, and Delos. # Minor Capture all of the cities on Delos. # The Main Hressan Fleet battles the Schleinel Home Fleet. # Orders of Honor Grand Council of Elders Polaris # You have the honor to command the largest fleet in the history of the Hressan Empire. Your mission is to capture the key worlds of Castor and Mira from the Schleinel Hegemony. Loss of either Pollux or Spica will be a grave dishonor. # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Home Nebular Worlds # The Hressan Empire has assembled a Fleet they feel is unstoppable. Stop them, and capture the two worlds they have launched their invasion from. # Major Control of all cities on all four worlds. # Minor Control of all cities on any three worlds. # Major Control of all cities on all four worlds. # Minor Control of all cities on any three worlds. # Four worlds under attack deep in Xritra space ask to join the Hegemony. # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Home Nebular Worlds # You are to relocate your forces as quickly as possible to the formerly neutral worlds in the Cloud sector and eliminate the Xritra threat to the four new Hegemony worlds. All have agreed to place their own, limited, forces under your command. This include occupying any world whose continued Xritra control threatens any of our newest member's homeworlds. Several neutral worlds are watching how we respond. Your failure could have consequences far beyond even the loss of four prosperous worlds. # In the Name of the Hive Swarm Leader # You are to conquer and occupy the human worlds of Neptune, Aris, Hermes and Opeus. It is the destiny of the Hive. # Major Retain control of all cities on all four worlds Neptune, Aris, Hermes and Opeus. # Minor Retain control of all cities on two of the four above. # Major Gain control of all cities on all four worlds of Neptune, Aris, Hermes and Opeus. # Minor Gain control of all cities on three of the four above. # Four Schleinel worlds have revolted and the Fleet is ordered to protect them from retribution. # Admiral of the Red Fleet Command Earth To: Officer Commanding Task Force Charlemagne # The Schleinel Hegemony is a tight cluster of worlds each ruled by a single family. Several of these wish to withdraw from the war. These have rebelled and Task Force Caesar was successful in infiltrating your planetary elements onto the these worlds. he nearby Schleinel worlds are now assembling fleets to recapture the rebellious planets. Your orders are to defeat any attempts by the Schleinel Hegemony to recover the four rebellious planets and use these worlds as a base for the additional conquest f nearby worlds. Additional Schleinel forces from outside the area are expected to arrive several weeks behind you. # By Order of the Patriarchal Assembly For Completion by the Autocrat of the Ney Nebular Worlds # Four worlds have rebelled, destroying the families the rightfully rule and turning to mobocracy. You are to take command to every military unit in the Nebula and crush these rebels, occupying all four worlds. It is likely that the Alliance Fleet will ttempt to intervene. Additional resources will be made available to you to assist in your righteous crusade. # Major Control of eight planets including Control of the four rebel planets. # Minor Control of the four rebel planets. # Major Control of eleven planets including Control of the four rebel planets (8,7,8,10) # Minor Control of the any three of the four rebel planets (8,7,8,10) and at least six planets total. # The Dragonians are prepared in depth and the Cephians must fight their way through. # Function Orders Central Administration Military Affairs Exploration and Occupation Bureau Senior Administrator # You are ordered to penetrate Dragonian space and destroy the five planets from which they launched their attack on the Cephian Home System. You must occupy all five worlds as quickly as possible as they are key industrial centers and will continue to duce ships and ground units to resist your attack until taken. If all the worlds are occupied, we will be in position to drive toward their homeworlds. # Office of the High Perserver Critical Orders Defense Coordinator Defense Fleet # Our worst fears were true. The small, aggressive mammals are counterattacking into the sacred space occupied by the people. You must prevent the fall of the worlds in the Dannye Preserve, retaining as many as is possible to buffer the core worlds. # Major Control all cities on all six worlds. # Minor Control all cities on Nahilz and any three worlds. # Major Control all cities on all six worlds. # Minor Control all cities on any three worlds.